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Multiple connection from S120


I use S120 as central device and I need to handle multiple connections. However S120 works quite unclear to me.

  1. If S120 doesn't reply to BLE_GAP_EVT_CONN_PARAM_UPDATE_REQUEST then peripheral disconnects in 60 seconds. This is actual for example app from SDK.

  2. If S120 reply to BLE_GAP_EVT_CONN_PARAM_UPDATE_REQUEST then connection is permanent but sd_ble_gap_scan_start() doesn't take effect until device disconnect.

I have a feeling that after sd_ble_gap_conn_param_update() on S120 something else has to be configured to keep scanning for advertisement.

Does anybody got multiple device connection with implemented CONN_PARAM_UPDATE procedure?


  • Please try to separate what the S120 SoftDevice does, and what the application does. What example application from the SDK are you talking about? What application are you using on with the S120 SoftDevice? Please edit your question to include the information.
