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RSSI Implementation with nRF52480 on BLE UART APK


I'm testing the ble_app_uart and ble_app_uart_c example on two nRF52480 cards.

I'm actually trying to print the RSSI value.

I don't really know how to proceed to start the RSSI measurement and where I should call the function and print the new RSSI value if this value changed.

I'm using 14.2 SDK from Nordic but I guess it's nearly the same with other SDK.

Thanks in advance for your help, please don't hesitate to ask for specifics.


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  • Thanks a lot for your anser Einar,

    I added theses lines to the example code in the ble_evt_handler function in main.c.

                NRF_LOG_INFO("Connected to target");
                err_code = ble_nus_c_handles_assign(&m_ble_nus_c, p_ble_evt->evt.gap_evt.conn_handle, NULL);
                sd_ble_gap_rssi_start(p_ble_evt->evt.gap_evt.conn_handle, 1, 1); //added by _OP
    						printf("It does pass by sd_ble_gap_rssi_start\n");
                err_code = bsp_indication_set(BSP_INDICATE_CONNECTED);
                // start discovery of services. The NUS Client waits for a discovery result
                err_code = ble_db_discovery_start(&m_db_disc, p_ble_evt->evt.gap_evt.conn_handle);
    				case BLE_GAP_EVT_RSSI_CHANGED:          //block added by _OP
    						sd_ble_gap_rssi_get(p_ble_evt->evt.gap_evt.conn_handle, &RSSI);
    						NRF_LOG_INFO("rssi =%d dBm",	RSSI);
            case BLE_GAP_EVT_TIMEOUT:
                if (p_gap_evt->params.timeout.src == BLE_GAP_TIMEOUT_SRC_SCAN)
                    NRF_LOG_INFO("Scan timed out.");
                else if (p_gap_evt->params.timeout.src == BLE_GAP_TIMEOUT_SRC_CONN)
                    NRF_LOG_INFO("Connection Request timed out.");

    it does pass by the sd_ble_gap_rssi_start function but not by the BLE_GAP_EVT_RSSI_CHANGED event

    I'm on 14.2 SDK because i'm testing the long range app and it's not compatible with 15 (doesn't compile).

    Thanks in advance.


  • Hi,

    That's odd. It should work. In fact I copy-pasted your code into an SDK 14.2 example and it worked out of the box (I just had to declare your RSSI variable as int8_t). Have you verified by a debugger that you get the BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED event (and thus call sd_ble_gap_rssi_start()), but you still don't get any BLE_GAP_EVT_RSSI_CHANGED events? Are there any other events instead (particularly BLE_GAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED, which would explain why you don't get any RSSI measurements)?

  • Thanks for your quick anser.

    Indeed i don't get the 'disconected'  msg from the BLE_GAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED event when i turn down the second card.

    i'm using putty the output i'm getting is below:

    So the sd_ble_gap_rssi_start() is called but the condition "case BLE_GAP_EVT_RSSI_CHANGED:" isn't ever valide (even if i move the cards.. i don't get the msg one single time).

    how shoud i fix it ? Is it a good idea to use putty to debug ? Can i see your output with your debugger ?

    Thx again Einar.

  • Hi,

    I did this modifications to the HRS example main.c file from SDK 14.2:

    diff --git a/examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_hrs/main.c b/examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_hrs/main.c
    index 1c0f4a8..43cc070 100644
    --- a/examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_hrs/main.c
    +++ b/examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_hrs/main.c
    @@ -760,6 +760,7 @@ static void on_adv_evt(ble_adv_evt_t ble_adv_evt)
     static void ble_evt_handler(ble_evt_t const * p_ble_evt, void * p_context)
         ret_code_t err_code;
    +    int8_t rssi;
         switch (p_ble_evt->header.evt_id)
    @@ -768,6 +769,13 @@ static void ble_evt_handler(ble_evt_t const * p_ble_evt, void * p_context)
                 err_code = bsp_indication_set(BSP_INDICATE_CONNECTED);
                 m_conn_handle = p_ble_evt->evt.gap_evt.conn_handle;
    +            err_code = sd_ble_gap_rssi_start(m_conn_handle, 1, 1);
    +            APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);
    +            break;
    +        case BLE_GAP_EVT_RSSI_CHANGED:          //block added by _OP
    +            sd_ble_gap_rssi_get(p_ble_evt->evt.gap_evt.conn_handle, &rssi);
    +            NRF_LOG_INFO("rssi =%d dBm", rssi);
             case BLE_GAP_EVT_DISCONNECTED:

    This resulted in the following log output (RSSI measurements are printed for as long as the connection is alive):

    <info> app: Heart Rate Sensor example started.
    <info> app: Fast advertising.
    <info> app: Connected.
    <info> app: rssi =-56 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-47 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-57 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-54 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-50 dBm
    <info> app: GATT ATT MTU on connection 0x0 changed to 247.
    <info> app: rssi =-49 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-47 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-50 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-54 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-51 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-50 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-46 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-49 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-54 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-53 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-50 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-53 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-48 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-49 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-46 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-51 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-54 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-51 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-49 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-47 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-51 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-54 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-51 dBm
    <info> app: rssi =-49 dBm

    You should get the same. Does your application work as expected without the RSSI logging?

  • Hi,

    I was using NRF_LOG_INFO instead of printf() Slight smile 

    for some reason NRF_LOG_INFO doesn't work on putty.

    Thanks for your help and time Einar, truly appreciate.

