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I have seen this question asked on this forum in several ways but none of the parameters match up to my specific case. I am getting this error when I try to run the example application ble_app_multilink_central.

I am using the s120 softdevice (s120_nrf51822_2.0.0-1.alpha) on an nRF51422 QFAA device. The SDK version is 6.1.0. I am using gcc (arm-none-eabi 4.8.2) in a linux development environment.

Most of the suggestions given to resolve this issue have to do with matching compatible SDK and softdevice versions and using the right path to the softdevice headers. I don't know for sure if my SDK and softdevice versions are compatible, but I'm quite sure the header path is correct.

Another issue that may be unique to my environment is that due to the configuration of my target board I am loading the softdevice and application code using my own swd bootloader that runs on an embedded processor on the same target platform (there is no external swd connection). I know that it works because I have been operating ANT softdevices on this platform with no issues.

But I have come across this and it gives me some concern that I my bootloader may be the problem (from the softdevice release notes):

"This SoftDevice release has internal changes that requires that the SoftDevice is programmed onto the chip in a specific way. The following Nordic tools handle this:

  • nrfjprog version 5.0.1 or higher
  • nRFgo Studio version 1.17.0 or higher."

Could this be the reason I am getting this error? If so, can anyone provide any specific information on what I need to do to modify my custom bootloader to properly program the softdevice? Currently it simply programs the flash with the hex file image. (e.g. Do I need to program one or more uicr registers or something?)

Thanks in advance for any clues you can provide.

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