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Interrupt Vectors Bootloader & Main Application

How can I relocate or manage the transition between the bootloaders interrupt vector map and the applications interrupt vector map which will be at different addresses in FLASH. On the M3/M4, you can remap this but presumably on the M0, you cant. Is there a method I could use on the NRF51822?

Edit: We are not using soft devices (we are using proprietary software and protocols).

Ive written the bootloader software running on the NRF51822 which accepts and programs an image sent from a C++ application, and then using some assembler, loads the main image @ 0x8000. The only issue is how to tackle the problem of a non-relocatable vector table (unless I am mistaken) of the Cortex M0.

NXP and ST's Cortex M0 dont have a VTOR (vector table offset register) but they do have a remap register to set the vector table in SRAM. The vector table could then jump to the correct bootloader vector table (@ 0) or main application vector table (@ 0x8000).

If you could investigate if the NRF51822 offers any features/registers to enable relocation of the vector table I would be grateful, thanks.

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  • I think you are stuck doing a trampoline, ie doing the vector relocation in software. With the Nordic bootloader you have the 'master boot record' at 0 and then your bootloader, softdevice and app at other addresses and the MBR dispatches interrupts to the bootloader or softdevice.

    I wonder if the M0+ was available when Nordic started the nrf51 project, because the hardwired reset vector was one of the things ARM fixed in the M0+. So much pain is caused by the fixed reset vector.

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