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S130 example - Iphone visibility

Hi, we developing bluetooth solution with S130 soft device From now there only one example appear and i start it sucessfully but got some problem below

I see that device Start advertising, but i can't see it by my IPhone.

Could someone provide more details or rephaps some example how to make S130 visible by IPhone under HRM or any existant service.


  • The default code example for the S130 is not able to advertise and connect to as a normal S110 based HRS. For testing with the default S130 code you would have to follow the guidelines in the S130 sample app document found in the S130 folder: ...\s130_nrf51822_0.5.0-1.alpha\Example\s130_demo_app\doc\S130.Sample_App.pdf.

    You will be able to connect to the S130 with Master control panel and start the services and notifications from there.

    This is unfortunately the situation right now. We are working on bringer better code examples out to everyone, but we don't have anything available as of right now.

  • The default code example for the S130 is not able to advertise and connect to as a normal S110 based HRS. For testing with the default S130 code you would have to follow the guidelines in the S130 sample app document found in the S130 folder: ...\s130_nrf51822_0.5.0-1.alpha\Example\s130_demo_app\doc\S130.Sample_App.pdf.

    You will be able to connect to the S130 with Master control panel and start the services and notifications from there.

    This is unfortunately the situation right now. We are working on bringer better code examples out to everyone, but we don't have anything available as of right now.
