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Softdevice not running code

Hi, I load the s110 softdevice (I tried many versions 5, 6 and 7) When I load my app on the SOC using Keil and the nrf_xxaa_s110 (256) target, the app doesn't run. I'm using latest SDK version (6.1.0).

Any help please

  • I know the app doesn't run because the first thing the app must do is turn on a LED, and it's not advertising (I don't get anything when scanning for Bluetooth devices), and the values of IROM and IRAM are exactly what you said I'm trying to uninstall everything and re-install, I hope I won't find myself in some new kind of problem due to µvision 4 projects compatibility with µvision5

  • I know the app doesn't run because the first thing the app must do is turn on a LED, and it's not advertising (I don't get anything when scanning for Bluetooth devices), and the values of IROM and IRAM are exactly what you said I'm trying to uninstall everything and re-install, I hope I won't find myself in some new kind of problem due to µvision 4 projects compatibility with µvision5

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