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Softdevice not running code

Hi, I load the s110 softdevice (I tried many versions 5, 6 and 7) When I load my app on the SOC using Keil and the nrf_xxaa_s110 (256) target, the app doesn't run. I'm using latest SDK version (6.1.0).

Any help please

  • Ensure you fully erase the chip first, then load the soft device, then load the App. There is some info in the nRF51822-EK user Guide and nAN-36 App Note about this, but anything in the SDK latest documentation seems to supercede this.

    Check the iROM1 and iRAM1 settings match the softdevice version, it changes. There is a migration document included with s110v6.0.0 and s110v7.0.0 (migration doc not included with the updates like 7.1.0 so get it from the base release X.0.0)

  • Unfortunately could not find anything useful information on nAN-36, and couldn't find any migration document

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