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Exiting SWD mode

I have code that uses two GPIOs to program an NRF51822 via SWD mode. This code all works fine and suceeds in programming the device.

What I would like to do is get the NRF51822 to exit SWD mode, returning the pins to their previous function (eg. RESET).

Is there any way to do that?

  • I found the answer in the ref manual

    Normal mode can always be resumed by performing a "hard-reset" through the SWD interface:

    1. Enter debug interface mode.
    2. Enable reset through the RESET register in the POWER peripheral.
    3. Hold the SWDCLK and SWDIO/nRESET line low for a minimum of 100 μs.

    I had misread this to mean that doing any of the above would do it.

    You need to do all of these steps in the sequence shown above.

  • I found the answer in the ref manual

    Normal mode can always be resumed by performing a "hard-reset" through the SWD interface:

    1. Enter debug interface mode.
    2. Enable reset through the RESET register in the POWER peripheral.
    3. Hold the SWDCLK and SWDIO/nRESET line low for a minimum of 100 μs.

    I had misread this to mean that doing any of the above would do it.

    You need to do all of these steps in the sequence shown above.

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