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How to Run DTM on nRF52840 development kit using MT8852B?

Hi all,

I have a nRF52840 development kit and flashed (I believed it flashed successfully) with direct test mode .hex file from SDK 15.2. What I facing was not able to run any test from MT8852B due to unable to get the unit address from the board. Did anyone tried to run DTM with MT8852B on nRF52840 DK ? Kindly advise


  • Hello Håkon,

    I'm facing the same issue as "New Guy" with the Anritsu tester and a nRF52832 devkit (straps SB23 and SB25 are cut and Tx and Rx are collected on TP6 and TP8 : P0.6 and P0.8)

    I observe the same signals on the scope. What is strange is that the response from the DTM software (the lower trace on the scope) is composed of 2 bytes at 19200 bds (1.04 ms) followed by two other bytes approximately 4 ms after. But according to DTM BLE spec (Vol 6 Part F chapt. 3.4), the answer should be only 2 bytes.

    When readind the code of DTM main.c, only two bytes are sent back by the chip at the end of the for loop :

    if (dtm_event_get(&result))
    // Report command status on the UART.
    // Transmit MSB of the result.
    while (app_uart_put((result >> 8) & 0xFF));
    // Transmit LSB of the result.
    while (app_uart_put(result & 0xFF));

    Do you see where these two other bytes could come from ?


  • Hi,


    It sounds like the DTM answers the tester, given that you see a new response after 4 ms.

    Are you still seeing issues connecting with the anritsu?


    Kind regards,


  • Hi Håkon,

    Now it works. I reloaded the DTM software and it sends only the two awaited bytes (0x00 00) as an answer (trace 2).

    Kind regards


  • Hi Alain,

    Is good to hear that you making it successfully. I assume the yellow line is the Rx and the blue line is the Tx, but did you manage to obtain the DUT address from the bluetooth test set MT8852B ? If yes, can you share with me how you do that ? Are you using nordic development kit PCA10056 ?

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    Blue trace is Tx (P0.6 = TP6 ) from nRF52832 mounted on a PCA10040 evalkit.

    Yellow trace is Rx (P0.8 = TP8).

    I'm using a FTDI cable (USB/uart TTL converter) between the MT8852B and the kit.

    MT8852B is configured as "Source" = USB -> BLE2wire.

    By pressing "EUT reset" (first response from the kit) and then "Update", tester finally displays an address (0x000000000000) and and I can run BLE scripts or single tests.

    Best regards.
