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Can one phone connects two peripherals at the same time?


My question is: Can one smart phone connects two peripherals(both based on nrf51822) at the same time?

If it can, should the peripherals use s120 softdevice or just use s110 softdevice is enough?

By the way,is there any Apps can realize this function?

Thank you very much!

  • Hi Kk,

    Yes, you can. A smart phone support connection to several peripherals. The number of maximum peripheral depends on the connection interval, the chipset on the phone, etc.

    You can use nRF Master Control Panel (v2.03) to test. After you get connected if you click on the drop down menu next to the device name, you should be able to connect to another device.

    Or more simpler, you can use 2 separate apps to connect to 2 peripheral at the same time.

  • Hi Kk,

    Yes, you can. A smart phone support connection to several peripherals. The number of maximum peripheral depends on the connection interval, the chipset on the phone, etc.

    You can use nRF Master Control Panel (v2.03) to test. After you get connected if you click on the drop down menu next to the device name, you should be able to connect to another device.

    Or more simpler, you can use 2 separate apps to connect to 2 peripheral at the same time.
