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nRF9160 GPS update rate


what is the update rate of the GPS in the nRF9160? This is something that I couldn't find in the provided data sheet.


  • Hi.

    The GPS will be available for public sampling March 31st, and production ready July 31st.

    Best regards,


  •  Hi Andreas,

    thank you for the quick reply. I know that the GPS functionality isn't ready yet, I read the development status. However, I just wanted to know what could be the possible update rate of the GPS, to get the coordinates. Simply, if I would be able to obtain GPS position every two seconds etc.

    I am asking because there are already some specs related to the GPS - time to fix, sensitivity, accuracy...


  • Hi.

    Have you looked at the GPS receiver section in DocLib?

    Or is this not what you are looking for?

    Best regards,


  • Yes, that's what I was talking about. There are some specs, but not related to the update rate if I understand them correctly.

    There is something related in "Modes of operation" and "Performance" section:

    • Position fix per fixed interval, e.g. 2 minutes (starts with cold start, sequential fixes with hot start)

    So what is the minimum fixed interval that can be set? Does it have anything common with this?

    • Acquisition time: 30 seconds for cold start, 5 seconds for hot start

    Does it mean that I can only get GPS position every 5 seconds? It seems a little odd to me.

  • Hi.

    Could you give me some time to check out this information?

    Best regards,


  • Of course, Andreas. Thank you for your effort!

  • Hi.

    I'm still waiting for an update regarding this information.

    I hope this is OK for you.

    Best regards,


Reply Children
  • No problem, Andreas! Will wait for the answer :) 

  • Hi.

    I'm sill waiting for an update, I will come back to you as soon as I know more. I hope this is OK for you.

    Best regards,


  • Hi.

    Sorry for the late reply, the question got a bit lost.

    I have been told the following:

    Modes of operation:

    • Single shot (cold start mode by default)
    • Position fix per fixed interval, configurable between 10 s - 1 hour: first start with cold start, sequential fixes with hot start
    • Continuous tracking

    In the "continuous tracking" mode, you will continuously get a position once per second.

    In the "position per fixed interval mode", the GPS will require 5 seconds to produce a fix (do a hot start), e.g. if the fix interval is configured to 2 minutes, the GPS will wake up after 1min55s, do a hot start, and produce the position on the 2 min mark. These figures are approximate, depending on LTE activity.

    Sorry again for the late reply.

    Best regards,


  • Hi,

    I am sorry, but I missed a notification on your answer. I am glad you made the effort to get the details. Thank you Andreas!
