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Problem with radio notifications

Hi, I am using nRF51822 with Softdevice S110 v6.0 to advertising packets and I would like to know when transmission is over to read some data from external sensors. I tried to use radio notifications but they seem to work incorrectly. To check it i put into handler two functions to send info about radio state to terminal and i discovered that interruptions are triggered constantly couple times per second independently to advertising interval (i set the longest available period 10,24s, so i think that interrupts with the same radio state should be triggered with approximately this interval). Below I attached my functions to handle radio notifications and i would like to know what is wrong with them.

/**@brief Function for handling radio notyfication.
void ble_radio_ntf_handler(bool radio_state)
				// Radio active.
				//Radio inactive.

/**@brief Function for enabling radio notyfication.
static void radio_notification_init(void)
		uint32_t err_code;
		// Enable Radio Notification
		err_code = ble_radio_notification_init(NRF_APP_PRIORITY_LOW,NRF_RADIO_NOTIFICATION_DISTANCE_800US,ble_radio_ntf_handler);

BR Martin
