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How to manage data space in application with S120

Hi All,

I started with example ble_app_multilink_central for S120 from sdk 6.1. I then started stripping the application to get a barebones central. I removed app_trace and app_uart.

Recompiling returned with error (7-15 times) "No space in execution regions ...." (link errors). I was surprised to see these while removing! modules. It turns out debug_assert_handler had links to app_trace. I removed these and voila, no more compile errors.

Next I added my own modules and .... then again those link errrors "no space in ....", which I have never seen while developing with S110.

My question now is what is the root cause of this error as it occurs both when removing and adding modules?

How much space is available for adding extra code and variables (RAM)?

The map file before adding my own modules shows this information

Total RO  Size (Code + RO Data)                17284 (  16.88kB)
Total RW  Size (RW Data + ZI Data)              6144 (   6.00kB)
Total ROM Size (Code + RO Data + RW Data)      17372 (  16.96kB)

so I think there must be some space available for my own code.

The scatter file that the linker uses is unchanged from the example project, so I assume it is ok.

Any help is appreciated.

  • The S120 SoftDevice requires 10kB of RAM when it is enabled, see Section 10.1 in the S120 SoftDevice specification. It also shares it's call stack with the application, please see this question for more information.

    With 16kB RAM in total this doesn't leave much for your application.

    Please see this if you are interested in more RAM.

  • The S120 SoftDevice requires 10kB of RAM when it is enabled, see Section 10.1 in the S120 SoftDevice specification. It also shares it's call stack with the application, please see this question for more information.

    With 16kB RAM in total this doesn't leave much for your application.

    Please see this if you are interested in more RAM.

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