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SDK15 Invensense MPU9250

Hi, we switched from your competition to your platform. I know you wrote somewhere that you cannot provide examples for every sensor out there. But your Nordic Dev Zone is a bit messy, information cluttered everywhere. And soon, information is also outdated by your own updates.

If we would talk about motion sensors, I know there are like only two manufacturers: Invensense & Bosch.

Your competition has better community and also the owners themselves care more and provide basic examples on everything. I'm not asking you to do so. Just motion sensors, there is not many vendors and you have 50+ similar questions about motion sensors. It would be good, responsible, western EU style behavior, if your management would get some feedback from community managers. If so many people asking about issues or examples. You can have better ROI and save resources here, if you would, by all the years, provide some, even basic example. You have MPU in your documentation, but that does not stand for motion processing unit, it is some memory protection unit instead (only adds to confusion when googling).

We have met on CES at Las Vegas, you ask for some feedback, how to get better than competition. Your competition have better examples of how easy is to use their product. How good is time to market. Here I see only messy forum and customer rant about the same thing again & again and it is more than 1 year.

And before you will send here the unofficial Michael's github, I want to say that it was for SDK14. Not for SDK15. Next it does not use Invensense DMP driver.

I want to use eDMP motion driver by Invensense. Read quaternion (4D vector) and use their pipeline and configuration. Because, unlike Bosch with second ARM coprocessor, Invensense requires to load their driver in your firmware memory, in order to get these data. You can find many examples on Sparkfun, Adafruit, not to mention Arduino community itself. Also other ARM vendors provide at least one example.

I'm not asking you provide examples on every sensor out there. Just, when it comes to market share, there is only Invensense and Bosch with MPUs. That would be quite basic bluetooth beacon example in 2019.

So my question is: can I get SDK15 working with MPU9250 using DMP? On various boards including ESP, NXP, Arduino, it is really a matter of minutes and then companies, your customers, can focus on developing the product and time to market is acceptable. Here with Nordic, my experience so far, is that the community is not exchanging projects as it should and Nordic company is not doing anything to bring more customers on their platform. What took me one day on other platforms, is impossible to accomplis on SDK15.

I think it is start of 2019 and time to rethink this whole community / customer / startup / manufacturers strategy.

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your feedback, I will forward it to the relevant departments. 

    In general, we get good feedback on the support we provide, and the information available in the community. If you have specific issues with integrating a driver with the SDK, we will help you as best we can. What we normally will not do is to fully integrate any driver with the SDK on request from a customer, without the customer doing any effort to do some work himself.

    Like you say, Martin's examples on GitHub is written for SDK 14.2.0, but it should not be difficult to port these to run with SDK 15.2.0 (I have done this myself in the past).

    The DPM driver is used in the Thingy:52 firmware, but this is based on SDK 13.0.0 (again, should not be difficult to port to SDK 15.2.0).

    I would recommend that you post a new case with the specific issues you are facing by integrating the driver with SDK 15.2.0, and one of our application engineers will help you solve your issues.

    Best regards,

  • Ok, code snippet inserted. Uploading image still not working. I'm on Google Chrome / Windows 10. I hit File Upload. Choose file (jpg screenshot) from my PC. It will not save it in the form and it automatically reopens Choose file window in infinite way. Looks like JavaScript issue on your website.

  • Invoking: Cross ARM GNU Create Flash Image
    arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex "BlueIOThingy.elf"  "BlueIOThingy.hex"
    arm-none-eabi-objcopy: BlueIOThingy.hex 64-bit address 0x4b4fa300026000 out of range for Intel Hex file
    arm-none-eabi-objcopy:BlueIOThingy.hex: bad value
    make: *** [makefile:68: BlueIOThingy.hex] Error 1
    "make all" terminated with exit code 2. Build might be incomplete.

  • Make sure you import projects from folder ARM/Nordic/nRF52 not from ARM/Nordic.  Otherwise it could mess up your workspace du to multiple projects of the same name.  CMSIS & EHAL are to libraries you need to build first.  CMSIS contains the target startup code.  It rarely changed.  EHAL lib is the abstraction library.  Other silicon vendor SDK/Lib are also required to install due to the license agreement that you need to register at their website.  

    I have never encounter the error you listed above.  Not sure where that comes from.  Probably a bad compile. Try to do a clean all and delete debug and release folder so you can have a real clean build.  Which version of compiler are you using ? 6, 7 & 8 work well.  I am working with 8 now.

  • nRF5_SDK_12 is for the nRF51 and nRF5_SDK is for the nRF52 series.  Currently supported is 15.2.  I thing you got mixed import.  This could mess uo your workspace.  Make sure to import from the target folder which ARM/Nordic/nRF52 not from ARM/Nordic 

  • Apparently, the 64bits address thing is a GCC bug with 2018 Q4 Windows build

  • Yes, I did it. I set up root folder EHAL for Eclipse import and it found 3 projects with same name (NRF51,52 an 52840). That's why I had the problem. It would be good if the project names would be different.

    Right now I have problem with: arm-none-eabi-objcopy: BlueIOThingy.hex 64-bit address 0x4b4fa300026000 out of range for Intel Hex file.

    But I guess it is because of: toolchain provides only 32-bit.But I found these guys: for GNU MCU Eclipse provide also ARM compiler themselves and they have 64-bit release. So If I understand correctly, it should work with this.

    I was thinking maybe helping with updating EHAL (it has outdated links). Maybe renaming Eclipse example projects, so they contain also MCU type. Maybe providing some automation script, that will fill /external folder with all SDKs from the internet automatically.

    I'm Invesense developer since 2014, but I cannot download their driver now. So I'm waiting for their e-mail.

  • Yes, I did it. I set up root folder EHAL for Eclipse import and it found 3 projects with same name (NRF51,52 an 52840). That's why I had the problem. It would be good if the project names would be different.

    Right now I have problem with: arm-none-eabi-objcopy: BlueIOThingy.hex 64-bit address 0x4b4fa300026000 out of range for Intel Hex file.

    But I guess it is because of: toolchain provides only 32-bit.But I found these guys: for GNU MCU Eclipse provide also ARM compiler themselves and they have 64-bit release. So If I understand correctly, it should work with this.

    I was thinking maybe helping with updating EHAL (it has outdated links). Maybe renaming Eclipse example projects, so they contain also MCU type. Maybe providing some automation script, that will fill /external folder with all SDKs from the internet automatically.

    I'm Invesense developer since 2014, but I cannot download their driver now. So I'm waiting for their e-mail.
