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nRF51822 Beacon - starting with OSX

So I have bought some nRF51822 Beacons to develop with. It was suggested when I purchased them that I wouldn't need any further development kits - but whilst I can see the devices on a phone quite happily, I don't see where to start with configuring them.

What I want do (at least initially) is simply "tell" the mobile device when one of the switches in pressed.

I am using OSX (10.7 but upgrading is possible). If I had to I could borrow a PC but would prefer not to.

Have I been mislead and actually need a development kit (which is best?)?

  • Hi

    As Nguyen pointed out, you would need to connect a debugger in order to debug on the Beacon kit. However, for minor modifications of the Beacon code, it might be sufficient to use the bootloader that is present on the beacon kit to upload modified firmware. There is a guide on how to do that on this thread.

    Anyway, the Beacon kit is targeted at beacons. If you need to do any major modifications to code or want to use it for something else than beacons, then evaluation kit or development kit would be recommended which have LEDs, buttons, and GPIO headers, as well as the debugger is enabled without any soldering.

  • Hi

    As Nguyen pointed out, you would need to connect a debugger in order to debug on the Beacon kit. However, for minor modifications of the Beacon code, it might be sufficient to use the bootloader that is present on the beacon kit to upload modified firmware. There is a guide on how to do that on this thread.

    Anyway, the Beacon kit is targeted at beacons. If you need to do any major modifications to code or want to use it for something else than beacons, then evaluation kit or development kit would be recommended which have LEDs, buttons, and GPIO headers, as well as the debugger is enabled without any soldering.

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