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Have any example about how to use "CHANNEL_IN_WRONG_STATE" ?

I don't know how to use it. and also don't know when softdevice return this even.

///< Command response on attempt to perform an action from the wrong channel state

#define CHANNEL_IN_WRONG_STATE ((uint8_t)0x15)

condition: nrf51422/s310

  • You need to use the debugger to figure out what SoftDevice function that returns the error. Turn off optimization and put a breakpoint in the app_error_handler, this will give you the error code, the line number and the file name.

    You can also put breakpoints in different places in main() and see how far you get before you get the error.

  • You need to use the debugger to figure out what SoftDevice function that returns the error. Turn off optimization and put a breakpoint in the app_error_handler, this will give you the error code, the line number and the file name.

    You can also put breakpoints in different places in main() and see how far you get before you get the error.
