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mbed support with DK

Is the no longer recommended mkit replaced by the new DK, and what does this mean for mbed support?

  • Hi,

    MBed relies on the CMSIS-DAP debugger from ARM. The nRF51 DK has support for both CMSIS-DAP debugger and Segger J-Link debugger, which means that it's both mbed enabled, and nRF51 SDK enabled via updating the debugger firmware (which is downloadable from our website when nRF51 DK key is present)

    Cheers, Håkon

  • Hi,

    MBed relies on the CMSIS-DAP debugger from ARM. The nRF51 DK has support for both CMSIS-DAP debugger and Segger J-Link debugger, which means that it's both mbed enabled, and nRF51 SDK enabled via updating the debugger firmware (which is downloadable from our website when nRF51 DK key is present)

    Cheers, Håkon

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