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What is required to perform the ERASE ALL command (nRF24LE1)?


I have been trying to erase the contents of my nRF24LE1 using the flash SPI interface (nRF24LE1 PS p.77 ff). According to the documentation, the ERASE ALL command (0x62) is required to clear the RDISMB flag (which is currently set high) in the FSR register. However, nothing seems to happen when the command is issued (even though the WREN command was previously successfully executed).

The documentation states that the WEN flag in the FSR register is cleared on completion of the ERASE ALL command. This does not happen (i waited up to 30 seconds :D ). The documentation also states that all SPI commands are ignored during the erase sequence. However, the WRSR or WRDIS commands do have an effect on the FSR register when issued shortly after the ERASE ALL command (i.e. 1ms later).

This is what i am doing to CS=low; send: 0x01 0x08; CS=high; wait 1ms; CS=low; send: 0x06; CS=high; wait 1ms; CS=low; send: 0x62; CS=high;

On the other hand, i could successfully execute commands such as WRSR (0x01), READ (0x03), WRDIS (0x04), RDSR (0x05) and WREN (0x06).

Does anyone have an idea on why this is not working?

Thanks in advance, Claas

  • Hi Claas,

    It seems that you read out the infopage, and then doing an ERASE_ALL after some other commands (WEN, read flash status register etc). I do not see any issues or reasons why it should not work to erase the flash.

    1. You are running on a very slow frequency. Have you tried higher frequencies? 2, Do you have other devices to test this on?
    2. Can you post the chip-markings? Should be something like: NRF C 24LE1F 1112AA

    Best regarsd Håkon

  • Hi Claas,

    It seems that you read out the infopage, and then doing an ERASE_ALL after some other commands (WEN, read flash status register etc). I do not see any issues or reasons why it should not work to erase the flash.

    1. You are running on a very slow frequency. Have you tried higher frequencies? 2, Do you have other devices to test this on?
    2. Can you post the chip-markings? Should be something like: NRF C 24LE1F 1112AA

    Best regarsd Håkon

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