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BLE transmission packet length great than 20 bytes


We've heard that the BLE transmission packet length may be increased beyond the limit of 20 bytes in a future version of the S110 softdevice. Would you let us know if the length has been increased in new S110-SD-v7 or a future version please?

Regards, V

Parents Reply
  • That's cool. I wonder how changing "attr_char_value.max_len" affects the settings for min and max connection interval values, number of transmission buffers used per connection interval, the size of each packet, etc.

    Currently, we tweak those settings to be very specific. For example, we use 10ms connection interval, 4 transmission buffers per connection, 20-bytes packets. If we change the size of the char as you have done, does that mean the softdevice automatically chunks up the data to be sent into 20-bytes packets and sends as many packets as the number of available transmission buffers per interval?

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