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Android pairing without bonding - nRF Connect


Are there any known Android bugs where Android should not bond, but does? I have tried searching the web without too much success.

My central device is an older Android phone, Nexus 6, running Android 7.1.1. Using nRF Connect. With that said, I was able to replicate this issue on other Android phones. The peripheral is an nRF52840.

Security parameters are being set in the peer manager handler:

static void ble_thr_pm_handler(pm_evt_t const *p_evt)
    /* ...stuff here...  */
            ble_gap_sec_params_t sec_param = {0};
            ret_code_t err_code;

           = 0;
            sec_param.mitm         = 1;
            sec_param.lesc         = 1;
            sec_param.keypress     = 0;
            sec_param.io_caps      = BLE_GAP_IO_CAPS_DISPLAY_YESNO;
            sec_param.oob          = 0;
            sec_param.min_key_size = 7;
            sec_param.max_key_size = 16;

            err_code = pm_conn_sec_params_reply(
        /* ...other cases here...  */

I am attaching two BLE HCI snoop logs. One, connect.log, shows the initial pairing process. Pairing is triggered by reading a characteristic (frame 26). Second file, connect-previously-paired.log, shows how Android tries to start encryption after connection is established, even though it should not (frames 30-32). nRF correctly responds with PIN or Key Missing. iOS devices seem to work okay, and do not store any bond information.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this just Android bug?

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Parents Reply Children
  • My bad, they open fine Wireshark here as well. 

    Looking at the LE Start Encryption Command in the Bluetooth Specification, I see that  it takes Connection_Handle, Random_Number, Encrypted_Diversifier, Long_Term_Key as parameters. 

    The LE_Start_Encryption command is used to authenticate the given
    encryption key associated with the remote device specified by the
    Connection_Handle, and once authenticated will encrypt the connection.

    So it would appear that Android device has stored the Long_Term_Key from the previous connection and is trying to use this to re-establish the encrypted link. The Long term key is infact identical to the one used in conneted.log . In connected.log I also see that the the Android device is sending the Pairing request with the Bonding flag set to true, but the nRF sends a Paring response with the No Bonding flag set.However, this should result in both devices opting for no bonding. 

    I would like to know if the LL_ENC_REQ is actually sent on-air to the nRF or if this is something the Android BLE stack does to check if the encryption key has been stored or not. Could you capture a trace with nRF Sniffer v2?

    Best regards

  • Hi Bjørn,

    See attached. This time, I used Android 9 with a Moto x4 phone, so it appears that the same thing is happening with latest Android.

    I've used nRF Sniffer v2, as requested.

    I do see LL_ENC_REQ in frame 545 of android-next-pairing.pcapng.



  • Ok,  so the LL_ENC_REQ is actually sent on air, that busts my theory that this is Android checking if the key is stored or not. The LL_ENC_REQ  also contains what appears to be valid key div and init vectors. 

    I will ask our Android developer if he has seen this issue before. 

  • Out of curiosity, I also tried pairing with NXP's KW41Z and got the same result. Android tried to start the encryption process after re-connecting, even though the peripheral responded with no bonding earlier. Again, with SC on. Would be nice to check what would happen with SC off.

  • At least the Android device is behaving consistenly. I reached out to our App developer and this is his response

    "I don’t know if only pairing is supported on Android. This for sure can’t be triggered from Android. Perhaps it just assumes that if it’s paired, it should also start encryption."

    Best regards

