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ble_app_lbs event configuration


I am running (and reconfiguring) ble_app_lbs (LED + Button BLE app) example as a kind of start off project for me. I am actually trying to figure out where I can control "button_event_handler(uint8_t pin_no, uint8_t button_action)" to also operate even when BLE is not connected to another device (or even not running at all)...

Same thing for the total application "freeze" when an advertising timeout occurs and we have to press on the wakeup button to get the application running again, in other words, where can I configure non-BLE stuff to continue operating even if advertising timeout occured?

Thanks for your help Phil

  • Very sorry for this question that may have come up to fast. I have found where to control this! It is of course in "void on_ble_evt(ble_evt_t * p_ble_evt)" function.

    So here it is, I have answered to my own question! ;-)

