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I2C interrupt while softdevice enabled


i'm sorry for asking again, but i read nearly all threads about I2C and didn't get any answer yet.

I want to use the interrupt to control the I2C sequences and safe energy (instead of using while loops)

I replaced the NRF_TWI1->INTENSET.... with sd_app function below... If i start a transmition it never goes into the handler or generates an event. can anybody tell me why?

Is the NVIC_ENABLEIRQ right to use? in the end i have the usual handler.

	void init_TWI1()
	//I2C Init start
uint32_t err_code;
NRF_GPIO->PIN_CNF[1] = 0x60C;
NRF_TWI1->PSELSCL = 0;	//P0 als SCL
NRF_TWI1->PSELSDA = 1;	//P1 als SDA      
NRF_TWI1->FREQUENCY = 0x06680000;	//Frequenz = 400kHz

err_code = sd_ppi_channel_assign(0,

//I2C init end

	void SPI1_TWI1_IRQHandler(void) 
		if(NRF_TWI1->EVENTS_BB != 0)

  • Try to use sd_nvic_enableIRQ(SPI1_TWI1_IRQn); instead of "non-sd" NVIC_EnableIRQ(). By default all the interrupt priorities are set to 0 (highest priority) which is reserved exclusively for SoftDevice. Thus, the SoftDevice may become unstable. Alternatively, you can try to set the priority of SPI1_TWI1_IRQn interrupt to 1 - 3.

    I am also not sure if you can put the sd_app_evt_wait directly into interrupts. It should be in the main cycle. When the handler ends it job, it jumps back to the main cycle and goes to sd_app_evt_wait.

  • Try to use sd_nvic_enableIRQ(SPI1_TWI1_IRQn); instead of "non-sd" NVIC_EnableIRQ(). By default all the interrupt priorities are set to 0 (highest priority) which is reserved exclusively for SoftDevice. Thus, the SoftDevice may become unstable. Alternatively, you can try to set the priority of SPI1_TWI1_IRQn interrupt to 1 - 3.

    I am also not sure if you can put the sd_app_evt_wait directly into interrupts. It should be in the main cycle. When the handler ends it job, it jumps back to the main cycle and goes to sd_app_evt_wait.

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