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Why is "UART without DMA" Deprecated?

I am using nrf52810 chip without softdevice or bluetooth stack.
I started to develop at November 2017 with Datasheet version  v1.2.
On 31. Januar 2019 Nordic  released a newer version of the Datasheet( v1.3) .

On Page 351 I spotted  a new Capital named "UART- Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter"
but when I scroll down to reigster summary on page 354 the Capital is marked as "Deprecated"
Can somebody tell me why Uart without EasyDMA is makred as "Depracted"?

Will future Revisions of this chip not contain this feature? Or are there any other Issues why I shouln t use UART without DMA?

Any help on this is appreciated!
Best Felix

  • Hi Simon,

    First of all thanks for your fast reply.

    The reson for my question was following Issue:

    I am using UARTE with DMA and RADIO with DMA.

    I want to receive Data via Uart and want to convert them into a Radio Signal. => UART to Radio converter

    Each interface is working fine by itself. I can correctly send/receive Data via UARTE and I can correctly send/receive Data via RADIO.

    I wrote a smplel apllicaton which send a 8 Byte Package cyclic every second. (No Intterrupts)

    But when my application receives (no Intterrupts) an Uart Package and like half a second later my application sends a radio package something goes wrong with the checksum calculation of the radio package.

    => After I received atleast 1 Uart Package sucessfully all following  Radio packages have trouble to calculate the right CRC sum.

    => I think I have some problems using Easy DMA on UART and Radio . This was the reason why I wanted to use UART without DMA

    I have no clue why my UART interace affects my RADIO Interface?

    Do you have any suggestions what problems I have?

    Best Felix

  • Problem is solved. I had some problems with my send buffers and my pointers on this buffers.

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