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Bootloader Serial DFU without SoftDevice (SDK 15)

Hi there,

NRF 52840 Preview DK
IAR for ARM 7.60.1

I need some information on how to do Serial DFU (UART/USB) with Bootloader, without Soft Device. From all the information I've gathered, including:
and few more...?

I get very confused with all the mangling steps.  And, it doesn't work properly at the end >.<.  So, can you please clarify if my steps are correct?

So, I followed the infocenter's "Test the Serial Secure DFU Bootloader application by performing the following steps:"

1) I don't want to create my own firmware for now. So I'll use:
My Work\Nordic\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96\examples\dfu\secure_dfu_test_images\uart\nrf52840\ blinky_mbr.hex

since it's already built at 0x1000.  I generated public and private keys though, since otherwise step 3 will stall unless I have keys.

Generating keys:
nrfutil.exe keys generate private.key
nrfutil keys display --key pk --format code private.key --out_file public_key.c

Then I generate my own zip file:
nrfutil pkg generate --hw-version 52 --application-version 1 --application blinky_mbr.hex --key-file private.key --sd-req 0

2) Install micro-ecc - done

3) Compile the bootloader. -> Should I use "secure_bootloader_uart-mbr_pca10056"? Or "secure-bootloader_usb_mbr_pca10056" ? Debug? no Debug?
I've decided to use: secure_bootloader_uart_mbr_pca10056 no debug. and change the public key with the ones generated from step 1.
Build ran OK.

4) If you generated a bootloader settings HEX file, flash it using the following command:
nrfjprog --program --sectorerase settings.hex

I followed another page to generate a basic setting:
nrfutil settings generate --family NRF52840 --application blinky_mbr.hex --application-version 1 --bootloader-version 1 --bl-settings-version 1 settings.hex

nrfutil settings display settings.hex

Then I merged the bootloader settings with bootloader:
mergehex --merge settings.hex secure_bootloader_uart_mbr_pca10056.hex --output output.hex

5) Program the HEX file.
I used nrfConnect's programmer and programmed the following 3 files:
mbr.hex - from C:\Users\cwati\Documents\My Work\Nordic\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96\examples\dfu\secure_dfu_test_images\uart\nrf52840
output.hex - from step 4
blinky_mbr.hex - from C:\Users\cwati\Documents\My Work\Nordic\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96\examples\dfu\secure_dfu_test_images\uart\nrf52840

6. Make sure that the device enters DFU mode. DFU mode is indicated by LED 3 being lit. If a valid application is installed on the device, hold Button 4 during startup to prevent the bootloader from starting the application and force it to enter DFU mode instead.

When power cycled I see LED cycling from 1,2,3,4 as expected.
When I hold Button 4 while power cycling, I see LED 1,3 light up. I suppose this is expected.

7. Use either nrfutil or a mobile app to perform the DFU:
I power cycled while holding down Button 4 so that LED stops (DFU mode) and ran:
nrfutil dfu ble -ic NRF52 -f -pkg

and got error below.

Then it won't even run the application after power cycle (no LED cycling), and the memory layout got messed up. When seen with nrfConnect I see Softdevice at 0x1000 to 0x1EBF0 and the app at 0x1F000. See below.

The right side is the original memory layout, and I expect to update just the application part, but why is there softdevice programmed now? Why is the app moved to 0x1F000?

More questions:
1) Does this example "Secure DFU Bootloader over Serial Link (UART/USB)" expect us to use the UART or USB example? Or will either one work?
For running either of those 2 examples, do I need to connect the USB cable on 52840 DK Board to the JLINK port, or to the nRF USB port?

And, when it's in DFU serial mode, do I expect to see, on the Device Manager, something other than "JLINK" on the COM PORT? Because I only see "JLINK" for now.

2) How many hex files do I need to program for an empty DK eval? I think I need to program:
MBR.Hex (resides at 0x0000)
Application (such as blinky_mbr.hex) starting from 0x1000
output.hex, which consists of Bootloader Settings + Bootloader 

Am I missing anything else?

3) I use the mbr.hex from the example folder, but will we ever have the need to generate or modify mbr.hex?

  • Hi.

    I think your problem is that you have used the wrong nrfutil command to start the DFU.

    As I understand, you wish to do a DFU without using the SoftDevice, that is a DFU over a serial port. You also wish to use the precompiled firmware.

    I follow your steps:


    Cecylia said:

    Generating keys:
    nrfutil.exe keys generate private.key
    nrfutil keys display --key pk --format code private.key --out_file public_key.c

    Then I generate my own zip file:
    nrfutil pkg generate --hw-version 52 --application-version 1 --application blinky_mbr.hex --key-file private.key --sd-req 0


    Cecylia said:

    Install micro-ecc - done


    Cecylia said:

    Compile the bootloader. -> Should I use "secure_bootloader_uart-mbr_pca10056"? Or "secure-bootloader_usb_mbr_pca10056" ? Debug? no Debug?
    I've decided to use: secure_bootloader_uart_mbr_pca10056 no debug. and change the public key with the ones generated from step 1.
    Build ran OK.

    UART and USB are different transport layers, but this might be confusing in this case. The difference between the two bootloaders are that the USB bootloader does not require a signature for the Application and so on, it only requires for the bootloader. The UART bootloader on the other hand is "secure" and requires a signature for all the components (like the BLE bootloader).

    The difference between Debug/No Debug is the possibility to debug. This might be more useful if you had created all the components yourself.

    I also used the pca10056_uart bootloader. (examples\dfu\secure_bootloader\pca10056_uart)


    Cecylia said:

    If you generated a bootloader settings HEX file, flash it using the following command:
    nrfjprog --program --sectorerase settings.hex

    I followed another page to generate a basic setting:
    nrfutil settings generate --family NRF52840 --application blinky_mbr.hex --application-version 1 --bootloader-version 1 --bl-settings-version 1 settings.hex

    nrfutil settings display settings.hex

    Then I merged the bootloader settings with bootloader:
    mergehex --merge settings.hex secure_bootloader_uart_mbr_pca10056.hex --output output.hex

    I also did this.


    Cecylia said:

    Program the HEX file.
    I used nrfConnect's programmer and programmed the following 3 files:
    mbr.hex - from C:\Users\cwati\Documents\My Work\Nordic\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96\examples\dfu\secure_dfu_test_images\uart\nrf52840
    output.hex - from step 4
    blinky_mbr.hex - from C:\Users\cwati\Documents\My Work\Nordic\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96\examples\dfu\secure_dfu_test_images\uart\nrf52840

    I only programmed mbr.hex and output.hex, there is no point in programming blinky_mbr.hex, since this is the firmware you are trying to update your device with.


    The device did enter DFU mode


    Cecylia said:

    Use either nrfutil or a mobile app to perform the DFU:
    I power cycled while holding down Button 4 so that LED stops (DFU mode) and ran:
    nrfutil dfu ble -ic NRF52 -f -pkg and got error below.

    Since you are trying to do a DFU over UART, it would be wrong to use the command nrfutil dfu ble.

    If you look at step 9 in the link you sent, you can read this:

    So you have to use the command nrfutil dfu serial.

    Like i did here: (note that my .zip file is called for no reason).


    Moving on to more of your questions:

    1) Does this example "Secure DFU Bootloader over Serial Link (UART/USB)" expect us to use the UART or USB example? Or will either one work?
    For running either of those 2 examples, do I need to connect the USB cable on 52840 DK Board to the JLINK port, or to the nRF USB port?

    And, when it's in DFU serial mode, do I expect to see, on the Device Manager, something other than "JLINK" on the COM PORT? Because I only see "JLINK" for now.

    The difference between the two is as I said in step 3 above. Either will work with the right setup. You only need to connect a USB cable to your nRF52840 DK to the "J-Link port".

     When its in DFU mode, is this what you see?


    2) How many hex files do I need to program for an empty DK eval? I think I need to program:
    MBR.Hex (resides at 0x0000)
    Application (such as blinky_mbr.hex) starting from 0x1000
    output.hex, which consists of Bootloader Settings + Bootloader 

     I don't quite understand this question. But I will make a statement which I hope will help.

    If you wish to do serial DFU, you either need to program:

    1) Bootloader, bootloader settings, MBR

    2) Bootloader, bootloader settings, MBR, SoftDevice

    If you wish to do a DFU Over the Air (OTA), you need to program:

    Bootloader, bootloader settings, MBR, SoftDevice

    It should be noted that the MBR is a part of the SoftDevice, but you will do no harm in programming both.

    3) I use the mbr.hex from the example folder, but will we ever have the need to generate or modify mbr.hex?

     The mbr.hex from this folder is what it is, the Master Boot Record, it should not be modified or generated in any way by you.

    I hope this helps.

    Best regards,


  • Andreas, actually I just remembered that our production HW is using USB only, so we'll have to use USB.  Please let me know why I couldn't run the USB example..  Thanks Slight smile

  • Hi again.

    I think your issue now is that you have wrong COM port.

    You have to use the COM port number that you have connected to the nRF USB:

    If i choose WRONG COM port, I get following output:

    With the CORRECT COM port, I get the following output:

    Cecylia said:
    Then what is the benefit of using USB? I'm trying to evaluate which one I should implement for our product.

     This depends on what product you wish to make, if you make something that uses USB it might be suitable to update it by using the USB. Also USB is not doing anything Over the Air (OTA), so this gives you more security if the other alternative is a BLE bootloader which does not have bonding.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Andreas,

    Thanks!  I did use the wrong port.  However, I have a very hard time to enumerate the USB for this Bootloader.  It only got enumerated properly once by my Windows (and then it shows "nRF52", if I'm not mistaken, on the Device Manager).  Then I could upgrade the firmware application successfully.

    However, I've been having a really hard time to get it enumerated by the Windows, so that I can't test the FW upgrade smoothly.  Since it might be a separate issue, I opened another ticket for that:

    But, I could see that the steps you explained worked!  Thanks a lot!

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