due to some evaluation effort of nRF52840 Dongle, I went through whole Zephyr project building of their Bluetooth hci_uart example. After couple of ardous hours(or more), I was finally able to generate appropriate .hex for nRF52840 Dongle(PCA10059).
I also went through the procedure of building drivers for it (nRF's own pc-ble-driver).
When all was done, I was not expecting problems with flashing of the dongle itself. But nevertheless they appeared.
Initially, I was using Zephyr's procedure ninja flash. This basically calls nrfjprog with correct data. I also used nrfjprog directly. I got this error both times:
ERROR: JLinkARM DLL reported an error. Try again. If error condition
ERROR: persists, run the same command again with argument --log, contact Nordic
ERROR: Semiconductor and provide the generated log.log file to them.
Needless to say it persisted, so I have log with error part:
2019-Feb-17 18:21:24 . . . . . nRF52_power_debug_and_system_regions
2019-Feb-17 18:21:24 . . . . . . nRF52_write_debug_port_register
2019-Feb-17 18:21:24 . . . . . . nRF52_write_debug_port_register: JLink: T83B4740 000:858
2019-Feb-17 18:21:24 . . . . . . nRF52_write_debug_port_register: JLink: JLINK_CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg(DP reg 0x02, 0x00000000)
2019-Feb-17 18:21:24 . . . . . . nRF52_write_debug_port_register: JLink: returns -1
2019-Feb-17 18:21:24 . . . . . . nRF52_write_debug_port_register: JLink: (0001ms, 0857ms total)
2019-Feb-17 18:21:24 . . . . . . nRF52_write_debug_port_register: JLinkARM.dll CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg returned error -1.
2019-Feb-17 18:21:24 . . . . . nRF52_power_debug_and_system_regions: JLinkARM.dll CORESIGHT_WriteAPDPReg returned error -102.
2019-Feb-17 18:21:24 nRF_close_dll
2019-Feb-17 18:21:24 . nRF52_close_dll
I have repeated this procedure on windows 10(v1703), and on Ubuntu 18.04LTS.
I'm using all the latest versions of all involved software components.
When I flash, both JLink and nRF52840 Dongle are in ports, so I don't believe this is power related problem.
Could you please be so kind to tell me what could cause this behavior?
I browsed DevZone, and I've seen other people had similar problems with different boards, but no definite solution was mentioned.