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nRF51822 BLE device-to-device data transfer example

Hi all,

I am new to nRF51822, and trying to make a simple application for device-to-device data transfer.

I have tried the "ble_app_uart" example, which is for device-to-smartphone data transfer, but what I want is device-to-device communication. That is, both Central and Peripheral are nRF51822 devices.

In fact, I am planning to use my PCA10000 connected to my PC as a BLE-UART converter, and make my PCA10001 send data to my PC through PCA10000. So,

  • If there is device-to-PC communication example, this would be the best.
  • If there is device-to-device communication example, this will also work because I can easily use my PCA10000 as BEL-UART converter.
  • Otherwise, any document to look at?

Any recommendation is appreciated!

Thank you so much!


  • Hi

    A good way of getting started with BLE develepment on nRF51822 is to read this blog post

    If you want to communicate with BLE between two nRF51822 device, the ble_app_multilink example is set up to do that. However, that board is set up for the nRF51822 development kit together with the nRFGo Starter kit. You could also flash ble_app_hrs (peripheral device with S110 stack) code to one device and then flash ble_app_hrs_c (central device with S120 stack).

    Update 13.11.2014 If you flash ble_app_hrs to the evaluation board (first flash the S110 softdevice) and then ble_app_hrs_c to the PCA10000 dongle (first flash the S120 softdevice), then it should work. Just remember to comment out the code that calls the display, as described in the documentation for the ble_app_hrs_c example.

    The ble_app_hrs_c scans for ble devices and advertising reports are received in on_ble_evt->BLE_GAP_EVT_ADV_REPORT. If the heart rate UUID is found (0x180D) a connection is establised with the peripheral. When connection is established, service discovery is performed, and services are enabled automatically.

    Perhaps you may consider to use the nRF51-BLE-driver in order to control the nRF51 device from a PC application.

  • Hi Stefan,

    If I use the ble_app_hrs example on the Evaluation Kit board PCA10001 and use the ble_app_multilink example on PCA10000, will the central connect to the peripheral automatically? When using the Master Emulator, I have to press Select Device, Discover Services and Enable Services. Will this happen automatically if I use the ble_app_multilink example? Thanks for the help

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