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problems in advertsing after disconnect


1.can any one tell where do we call advertising_start() function if we want to advertise after getting disconnect from a central device. ble_evt_dispatch() function there are many functions ryt? eg: ble_dlogs_on_ble_evt(&m_dlogs, p_ble_evt); ble_conn_params_on_ble_evt(p_ble_evt); on_ble_evt(p_ble_evt);

when and how these works?

  • That is hard for me to say without being able to debug the code myself. That said, I have never seen a disconnect event not be sent up from the stack when a disconnect occurs. Perhaps you could keep counts of connect and disconnect events and when this occurs check the counts to see if you missed one?

  • That is hard for me to say without being able to debug the code myself. That said, I have never seen a disconnect event not be sent up from the stack when a disconnect occurs. Perhaps you could keep counts of connect and disconnect events and when this occurs check the counts to see if you missed one?

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