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Multiple advertisement (ibeacon + custom connectable advertisement) on nrf52


I have a nRF52 DK board and I am trying to build a BLE peripheral with both connectable advertisement (custom with my own name and service) and unconnectable advertisement (ibeacon type).

I have looked on this forum and all I saw regarding this question was the possibility to use the Time slot API and the multiactivity example.

Unfortunately I have not found a proper and recent example of using time slot API specifically for advertisement. For the multiactivity example, it seems to have disappear in the latest SDK as I have not found it in SDK 15.2 (S132). I have also seen mentions of "virtual broadcasters" on the nRF52 but no proper example or explanation.

My main question is : what is the best solution in your opinion to do what I am trying to do ?

a- Use the time slot API to advertise the ibeacon advertisement once in a while, with the softdevice handling the connectable advertisement and characteristics

b- Use a software time and which the content of the advertisement manually every couple of 100s of milliseconds.

I have seen some commercial beacons using custom advertisement + ibeacon + rolling eddystone frames and using nRF52 so I am sure what I want to do is feasible.

Have you ever done something like this ? Which solution would you recommend and how would you go to implement it with S132 ?

