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ble_app_beacon and nRF51822-EK

Hello all.

I just finished started setting up the environment for Nordic development. We have a Beacon Kit and a nRF51822-EK board.

I managed to compile and run board/phone the Heart Rate Example. Next i moved on to the beacon example, compiled ok and deployed to the board but the app on the phone just does not recognize the board as a beacon.

I am updating the FW of the board using the guide stated here:

Essentially i do:

  1. clean memory board

  2. deploy s110-v7 in address 0

  3. beacon.hex in address 0x16000

  4. 'r' + 'g')

My s110 is v7 and my sdk version is 6.1.0

Hope my description helps!

Best, Antonio

  • Hi

    Perhaps you can benefit also from looking at this thread

    Update 12.11.2014 The following images show how you hook up your becon kit with a programmer. The first image shows two beacon kits, one has raw contacts on the P2 pad, the other has soldered headers in order for a programmer to connect to the P2 pad. The second image shows how J-link LITE CortexM programmer is connected to the beacon kit with a flat cable. If you have the nRF51822 development kit, this programmer and flat cable comes with that kit. If you do not have this programmer, you can purchase it separately from Segger. Nevermind the black and red wires, I mounted them because the battery holder at the bottom of the Beacon kit fell off and I just connected the battery to the Beacon kit with those two wires instead.

    image description

    image description

    When you have this setup, you can program the Beacon kit with the same procedure as the nRF51822 evaluation kit or the development kit. If you are not familiar with the programming procedure, look at the user guide for either the nRF51822 evaluation kit or nRF51822 development kit. You should be able to download the User guides once you are logged in on the site.

    Update 2 12.11.2014 The ble_app_beacon_bcs example is part of the "nRF51822 Bluetooth Smart Beacon Kit Firmware Files" available here

    Update 18.11.2014 For connecting the Beacon kit directly to the J-Link Lite CortexM programmer with wires, connect it as the following image shows.

    image description

    Update 19.11.2014 An alternative method for connecting a programmer to the Beacon kit is to order this adapter, which connects the beacon kit with a Segger programmer that has 20-pin connector on the other side, e.g. this one, this one or this one. This mehtod does not require any soldering. It is discussed on this thread.

    Update 27.11.2014 If you already have a J-Link LITE CortexM programmer, then you can buy this adapter cable. Then you can program the beacon kit without soldering.

    If you do not have a programmer, then a very good choice would be to buy the same adapter cable and the nRF51 DK which has an onboard programmer/debugger and a "debug out" port (see nRF51-DK - User Guide v1_0 section 5.10). If you connect the adapter cable between the "debug out" port and the Beacon kit, then you are able to program/debug the beacon kit. In addition you have full scale development platform (the nRF51 DK) with the latest third revision nRF51 hardware (Beacon kit has the second revision nRF51 hardware).

  • Does the new nRF51-DK not support Debug Out? It's in the manual, it's on the board, I have one. According to the manual if Debug Out is connected to a target board which is powered on then the on-board JLINK-OB will program the chip on the target board and not the one on the DK.

    I thought that was the whole point of Debug Out.

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