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Running uVision 4 examples in uVision5

I'm uising the NRF51822 PCA100001 eval kit. I'm trying to open a couple uVision 4 projects in uVision 5. Unfortunately, it keeps telling me to install the software pack. I've already done this and confirmed the NRF51x software family pack is current. I've also installed the legacy pack from the keil website. I've also uninstalled and reinstalled everything a couple times.

Is there any way to use Vision 4 stuff in uVision 5? A lot of the forum posts provide uVision4 examples. Thanks. I looked at other forum posts but none have resolved my issue. image description

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Parents Reply
  • Since you are using the PCA10001 I assume you are using the j-link lite from Segger that's on the PCA10001. If you go to "options for target" -> debug tab and select "J-Link/J-Trace cortex". This is the cause of the last error message you see. I've posted two pictures to my initial answer as I can't upload pictures in a comment here that displays my "Device" settings and "Debug" settings.

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