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nRF52840 DK + Raspberry PI 3B+ Thread Border Router MQTT-SN Gateway


I am trying to build a thread network using a border router nRF52840 with a Raspi3B+ and 2 others end-devices nRF52840 connected on a CPU Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. 

I have been using many tutorials but at this time i'm trying this one . For each of these tutorials, the thread network was working fine, but I have never been able to ping external internet from any end-device once connected on the thread network. Apparently I was supposed to see a 2000:...: prefix somewhere on the ifconfig, showing that the IPv6 was configured but nothing.

On my raspi I have flashed RasPi_OT_Border_Router_Demo image v1 and v2 available here (tutorials are using v0.11 but I couldnt find it anywhere).

Some details: pinging internet is ok from the raspi and I can ping the leading nRF52840 from the end-device but not google dns.

Do you have any idea please?
