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ble_nus service UART on PCA20006 Beacon with s110 SD

I compiled a new HEX for the pca20006 Beacon based on the ble_app_uart project for the pca10001 (remapped the LEDs and buttons), but when I load the beacon using OTA DFU, it will not advertise. It will only very faintly flicker the red LED about 2-3 times per second. What could it be doing?

I want my beacon app to merely Tx a fixed string whenever it Rx a certain sting over the BLE UART, but right now it is just trying to init the service and start advertising to no avail...

Eventually I want the beacon (or perhaps a custom made nRF51822 board about the same size) to perform some GPIO and SPI interconnect to another small custom board, then receive and transmit to the pca10001 attached to a PC visible to an off-the-shelf windows app as a generic COM port...

I am kind of stuck right now, any suggestions?

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