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Using Segger Embedded Studio and Zephry for nRF52840

Is there an example for setting up a Segger Embedded Studio project for using an nRF52840 with Zephyr.  The instructions on the Zephry site for adding Zephyr files to a project build do not seem to apply to how SES sets up a project.

  • Hi

    We're painfully aware of this matter. Can you copy the error SES outputs when you try to open the nRFConnect project?

    Best regards,


  • Sorry if I caused some confusion.

    By following your suggestion, I've gotten beyond opening the nRF Connect project.

    I have a trouble when I try to build the project.  The problem occurs deep within building Zephyr.

    I get the following in the output log...

    1> Combining ‘zephyr/include/generated/offsets.h’
    1> Traceback (most recent call last):
    1>   File "C:/Users/info/Dropbox/64Seconds/NHM5G-Z/zephyr/scripts/", line 72, in <module>
    1>     input_file = open(args.input, 'rb')
    1> FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:/Users/info/Dropbox/64Seconds/NHM5G-Z/build/zephyr/CMakeFiles/offsets.dir/arch/arm/core/offsets/offsets.c.obj'
    Build failed

    "C:/Users/info/Dropbox/64Seconds/NHM5G-Z" is the base directory for my nRF52840 project.

    Perhaps interesting is that this error looks identical to one reported in Case ID: 223311, although the reported circumstances seem totally different.  I posted a similar comment yesterday in that case.

    My concern is that I have no way of knowing why the file is not available.  I presume it needs to be built by emStudio, but I do not know why this build did not occur.

    Any help would be appreciated.
    -Craig Goldman

  • I just noticed that I failed to copy an important line in the log

    Rebuilding ‘zephyr/include/generated/offsets.h’ from solution ‘build’ in configuration ‘Common’
    1> Combining ‘zephyr/include/generated/offsets.h’
    1> Traceback (most recent call last):
    1>   File "C:/Users/info/Dropbox/64Seconds/NHM5G-Z/zephyr/scripts/", line 72, in <module>
    1>     input_file = open(args.input, 'rb')
    1> FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'C:/Users/info/Dropbox/64Seconds/NHM5G-Z/build/zephyr/CMakeFiles/offsets.dir/arch/arm/core/offsets/offsets.c.obj'
    Build failed


  • Hi Craig

    Did this solve what you were struggling with, or are you still having trouble? It is not clear to me.

    Best regards,


  • Still having problems.  SES build of project fails when trying to execute "Rebuilding ‘zephyr/include/generated/offsets.h’ from solution ‘build’ in configuration ‘Common’".  Log information is above.  Not sure if this is a problem with emStudio, the Zephyr files, the structure of the Zephyr source directories or something else.

    As I noted in earlier posts.  There appears to be no documentation how to create a new project for an NRF52 or NRF91 that includes the Zephry directories.  I followed the Zephyr documentation for adding the Zephry directories into the project, and I followed Nordic documentation for a new emStudio NRF Connect project.  There is still a need to inform emStudio about the Zephyr build.  I presumed this is done by creating a CMakeLists.txt in the top-level project directory.  That seems to work- partially.  Some of Zephry builds but (as seen in the log information above), the build eventually fails.

    As I noted yesterday, I fit it interesting that this error I am getting looks identical to one reported in Case ID: 223311, although the reported circumstances seem totally different. 

    I do not know how to proceed.


  • Still having problems.  SES build of project fails when trying to execute "Rebuilding ‘zephyr/include/generated/offsets.h’ from solution ‘build’ in configuration ‘Common’".  Log information is above.  Not sure if this is a problem with emStudio, the Zephyr files, the structure of the Zephyr source directories or something else.

    As I noted in earlier posts.  There appears to be no documentation how to create a new project for an NRF52 or NRF91 that includes the Zephry directories.  I followed the Zephyr documentation for adding the Zephry directories into the project, and I followed Nordic documentation for a new emStudio NRF Connect project.  There is still a need to inform emStudio about the Zephyr build.  I presumed this is done by creating a CMakeLists.txt in the top-level project directory.  That seems to work- partially.  Some of Zephry builds but (as seen in the log information above), the build eventually fails.

    As I noted yesterday, I fit it interesting that this error I am getting looks identical to one reported in Case ID: 223311, although the reported circumstances seem totally different. 

    I do not know how to proceed.


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