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Using Segger Embedded Studio and Zephry for nRF52840

Is there an example for setting up a Segger Embedded Studio project for using an nRF52840 with Zephyr.  The instructions on the Zephry site for adding Zephyr files to a project build do not seem to apply to how SES sets up a project.

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  • Disregard issue with last message.  I had created the project using Zephry instructions and not the Nordic Playground version of Zephyr.

    I will re-build the project cloning and following the directions in "Getting Started Assistant".


  • OK.  I've started a brand new project.

    I created a base directory.
    Cloned zephyr into <baseDir>/zephyr.
    Followed instructions in "Getting Started Assistant" to do
          "git checkout tags/v1.13.99-ncs2" and
         "pip3 install -r zephyr\scripts\requirements.txt"
    Created empty 'build' directory.

    Then I activated emStudio and selected "Open Connect nRF SDK Project..."
             This failed.
              Error message:
                       "Can't load project file"
                       "The project file 'C:Users/info/Dropbox/64Seconds/NHM5G-Z/build/NHM5G-Z.emProject' is invalid"
                       "The reported error is 'solution load command failed (1)'
              This was followed by second error message:
                       "Can't read file"
                       "Can't open zephyr/cmake/extensions.cmake for reading"

    The file "<baseDire>/zephyr/cmake/extensions.cmake" does exist.

    Any thoughts?
