We currently working on nrf52 dk with SDK15.0.0 but we will use nrf52810 rather than nrf52832 due to cost.
As I know, nrf52810 doesn't have FPU compared to nrf52832 and we should check computation time or cost in nrf52810 chip.
There is an guide emulating nrf52810 on the nrf52832(nrf52dk) but I'd like to know whether the emulation also supports non fpu environment or not.
Nordic Semiconductor Infocenter - https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.nordic.infocenter.sdk5.v15.0.0%2Fnrf52810_user_guide.html&cp=4_0_1_5_0&anchor=ug_52810_intro