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How to get the sender's address at Radio END event?

I am using S120 device to receive advertising from S110 device and need to get the exact time + sender's address information at Radio End Event.

I use PPI to start Timer1 for the S120 at Radio End event, and the timer1 goes into IRQ function within 100us, thus I can get the time of the radio event. However, I haven't found any reference to get the sender's address, could anybody help on it? I cannot use the software device interrupt(on_ble_evt), the time is too late.

  • The radio peripheral is blocked from user access when you have enabled the softdevice, so there's no straight forward way to get this while you have the softdevice enabled.

    To get the senders address, have you looked into the option of using the BLE_GAP_EVT_ADV_REPORT on the S120? This will give you the address of the peripheral you received an advertisement from.

  • The radio peripheral is blocked from user access when you have enabled the softdevice, so there's no straight forward way to get this while you have the softdevice enabled.

    To get the senders address, have you looked into the option of using the BLE_GAP_EVT_ADV_REPORT on the S120? This will give you the address of the peripheral you received an advertisement from.

  • Thanks for the reply. I have used the adv report in interrupt function on_ble_evt to capture the sender's address, however, from logical analyzer, it takes around 400us time from radio end event to the function. I will close this question as there is no solution to access radio peripheral when sd is enabled.
