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Where can I download the nRF51 SDK?

Hi - where can I download the nRF51 SDK?

  • The idea behind this is really dummy. Who will use this SDK? Nordic chip customers. So whats the meaning of require license key for downloading SDK? It works for just cutting nordics profits.

    Engineers are smart and makes such chips, but sale managers could be an idiot and make such a rules...

    **Edit:**Anyway, hackers find their ways. This is how warez born. Who has the guilty about this? Think about it.

    I gain (unauthorized) access to: nRF_SDK_v5.1.0.36092, nRF51_SDK_v4.0.1.22983 And SoftDevices of: nrf51822_4.0.0-2.beta, 6_0_0 and 7_0_0.

    All I can say, you can do almost everything with nrf51822 with little searching on the web. They all available at your internet. Specially they are hide in localized forums that using non-latin letters. I believe Nordic's employes have a difficulties to control whole world. I also found that NordicSemi ask some people about to remove SDK from their site/code.

    PS: Does anyone find SDK 6.0 link? Let me know or drop a link here ;)

  • The idea behind this is really dummy. Who will use this SDK? Nordic chip customers. So whats the meaning of require license key for downloading SDK? It works for just cutting nordics profits.

    Engineers are smart and makes such chips, but sale managers could be an idiot and make such a rules...

    **Edit:**Anyway, hackers find their ways. This is how warez born. Who has the guilty about this? Think about it.

    I gain (unauthorized) access to: nRF_SDK_v5.1.0.36092, nRF51_SDK_v4.0.1.22983 And SoftDevices of: nrf51822_4.0.0-2.beta, 6_0_0 and 7_0_0.

    All I can say, you can do almost everything with nrf51822 with little searching on the web. They all available at your internet. Specially they are hide in localized forums that using non-latin letters. I believe Nordic's employes have a difficulties to control whole world. I also found that NordicSemi ask some people about to remove SDK from their site/code.

    PS: Does anyone find SDK 6.0 link? Let me know or drop a link here ;)
