I am trying to design some test cases to check the LTE stability and performance.
#include <zephyr.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <gps.h> #include <sensor.h> #include <console.h> #include <nrf_cloud.h> #include <dk_buttons_and_leds.h> #include <lte_lc.h> #include <misc/reboot.h> #include <bsd.h> #include "nrf_socket.h" #include "orientation_detector.h" #include <net/socket.h> #include <sys/time.h> #define TCP_HOST "" #define TCP_PORT 9090 #define LC_MAX_READ_LENGTH1 128 #define AT_CMD_SIZE1(x) (sizeof(x) - 1) static const char subscribe[] = "AT+CEREG=2"; static const char psm_disable[] = "AT+CPSMS=0"; static const char normal[] = "AT+CFUN=1"; static const char success[] = "OK"; static const char status1[] = "+CEREG: 1"; static const char status2[] = "+CEREG:1"; static const char status3[] = "+CEREG: 5"; static const char status4[] = "+CEREG:5"; static int at_cmd1(int fd, const char *cmd, size_t size) { int len; u8_t buffer[LC_MAX_READ_LENGTH1]; printk("====AT send (%d bytes): %s\n", strlen(cmd), cmd); len = send(fd, cmd, size, 0); if (len != size) { printk("***ERROR: AT send: failed, ret=%d.\n", len); return -1; } for (int i=0; i<50; i++) // wait for 5s { len = recv(fd, buffer, LC_MAX_READ_LENGTH1, MSG_DONTWAIT); if (len > 0) { printk("====AT receive (%d bytes): %s", strlen(buffer), buffer); return 0; } k_sleep(K_MSEC(100)); } printk("**********AT receive ERROR.\n"); return -1; } void main(void) { printk("Application started\n"); int err; int at_socket_fd; u8_t buffer[LC_MAX_READ_LENGTH1]; // create AT socket at_socket_fd = socket(AF_LTE, 0, NPROTO_AT); // start modem at_cmd1(at_socket_fd, subscribe, AT_CMD_SIZE1(subscribe)); at_cmd1(at_socket_fd, psm_disable, AT_CMD_SIZE1(psm_disable)); at_cmd1(at_socket_fd, normal, AT_CMD_SIZE1(normal)); // wait for LET connection ready printk("LTE connecting ...\n"); while (true) { int bytes; bytes = recv(at_socket_fd, buffer, LC_MAX_READ_LENGTH1, 0); if (bytes) { buffer[bytes] = 0; printk("====AT receive (%d bytes): %s", bytes, buffer); if (!memcmp(status1, buffer, AT_CMD_SIZE1(status1)) || !memcmp(status2, buffer, AT_CMD_SIZE1(status2)) || !memcmp(status3, buffer, AT_CMD_SIZE1(status3)) || !memcmp(status4, buffer, AT_CMD_SIZE1(status4))) { break; } } } printk("\nLTE connected\n\n"); // get server IP address struct addrinfo * server_addr; err = getaddrinfo(TCP_HOST, NULL, NULL, &server_addr); if (err != 0) { printk("***ERROR: failed to get server IP address\n"); return 0; } // print server IP address { u8_t * p2 = &(((struct sockaddr_in *)server_addr->ai_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr); printk("server IP addr=%d.%d.%d.%d\n", p2[0], p2[1], p2[2], p2[3]); } // set server TCP listening port ((struct sockaddr_in *)server_addr->ai_addr)->sin_port = htons(TCP_PORT); // create & bind TCP socket int tcp_socket_fd; { tcp_socket_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); struct sockaddr_in local_addr; local_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; local_addr.sin_port = htons(0); local_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0; err = bind(tcp_socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&local_addr, sizeof(local_addr)); if (err != 0) { printk("TCP sokcet bind err: %d\n\r", err); return; } } // connect to server while(1) { printk("\nTCP connect()...\n"); err = connect(tcp_socket_fd, (struct sockaddr *)server_addr->ai_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if (err == 0) { printk("TCP connect() succeeded\n\n"); break; } k_sleep(K_MSEC(1000)); // delay 1s } // check modem status; send TCP data to server int loop = 1; while(1) { // read AT socket to see if there is any data; with non-block mode read while (true) { int bytes; bytes = recv(at_socket_fd, buffer, LC_MAX_READ_LENGTH1, MSG_DONTWAIT ); if (bytes <= 0) break; buffer[bytes] = 0; printk("====AT receive (%d bytes): %s", bytes, buffer); } printk("---------------------------------------- %d\n", loop++); // send AT command to check modem status // at_cmd1(at_socket_fd, "AT%XCBAND", AT_CMD_SIZE1("AT%XCBAND")); at_cmd1(at_socket_fd, "AT+CESQ", AT_CMD_SIZE1("AT+CESQ")); at_cmd1(at_socket_fd, "AT+CEREG?", AT_CMD_SIZE1("AT+CEREG?")); at_cmd1(at_socket_fd, "AT+CGDCONT?", AT_CMD_SIZE1("AT+CGDCONT?")); // send TCP data to server #if 1 static char buf[] = {"a"}; static int len = sizeof(buf); err = send(tcp_socket_fd, buf, len, 0); if (err != len) printk("**********TCP send: error=%d.\n", err); else printk("====TCP send (%d bytes)\n", len); #endif // sleep 10s k_sleep(K_MSEC(10000)); } close(at_socket_fd); return 0; }
***** Booting Zephyr OS v1.13.99-ncs2 ***** Secure Boot: configure flash Secure Boot: SPU: set region 0 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set region 1 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set region 2 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set region 3 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set region 4 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set region 5 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set region 6 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set region 7 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 8 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 9 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 10 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 11 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 12 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 13 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 14 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 15 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 16 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 17 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 18 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 19 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 20 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 21 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 22 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 23 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 24 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 25 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 26 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 27 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 28 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 29 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 30 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set Flash region 31 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: configure SRAM Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 0 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 1 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 2 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 3 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 4 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 5 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 6 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 7 as Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 8 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 9 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 10 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 11 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 12 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 13 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 14 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 15 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 16 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 17 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 18 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 19 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 20 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 21 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 22 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 23 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 24 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 25 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 26 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 27 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 28 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 29 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 30 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: SPU: set SRAM region 31 as Non-Secure Secure Boot: configure peripherals Secure Boot: MSP_NS 20029828 Secure Boot: prepare to jump to Non-Secure image ***** Booting Zephyr OS v1.13.99-ncs2 ***** Application started ====AT send (10 bytes): AT+CEREG=2 ====AT receive (4 bytes): OK ====AT send (10 bytes): AT+CPSMS=0 ====AT receive (4 bytes): OK ====AT send (9 bytes): AT+CFUN=1 ====AT receive (4 bytes): OK LTE connecting ... ====AT receive (32 bytes): +CEREG: 2,"2005","00803103",7 ====AT receive (32 bytes): +CEREG: 1,"2005","00803103",7 LTE connected server IP addr= TCP connect()... TCP connect() succeeded ---------------------------------------- 1 ====AT send (7 bytes): AT+CESQ ====AT receive (33 bytes): +CESQ: 99,99,255,255,255,51 OK ====AT send (9 bytes): AT+CEREG? ====AT receive (37 bytes): +CEREG: 2,1,"2005","00803103",7 OK ====AT send (11 bytes): AT+CGDCONT? ====AT receive (101 bytes): +CGDCONT: 0,"IPV4V6","vzwinternet"," 2600:1010:B007:C50D:0000:0057:158A:9F01",0,0 OK ====TCP send (2 bytes) ---------------------------------------- 2 ====AT send (7 bytes): AT+CESQ ====AT receive (33 bytes): +CESQ: 99,99,255,255,255,51 OK ====AT send (9 bytes): AT+CEREG? ====AT receive (37 bytes): +CEREG: 2,1,"2005","00803103",7 OK ====AT send (11 bytes): AT+CGDCONT? ====AT receive (101 bytes): +CGDCONT: 0,"IPV4V6","vzwinternet"," 2600:1010:B007:C50D:0000:0057:158A:9F01",0,0 OK ====TCP send (2 bytes) ---------------------------------------- 3 ====AT send (7 bytes): AT+CESQ ====AT receive (33 bytes): +CESQ: 99,99,255,255,255,51 OK ====AT send (9 bytes): AT+CEREG? ====AT receive (37 bytes): +CEREG: 2,1,"2005","00803103",7 OK ====AT send (11 bytes): AT+CGDCONT? ====AT receive (101 bytes): +CGDCONT: 0,"IPV4V6","vzwinternet"," 2600:1010:B007:C50D:0000:0057:158A:9F01",0,0 OK ====TCP send (2 bytes) ---------------------------------------- 4 ====AT send (7 bytes): AT+CESQ