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Mesh Proxy Data Out and Status Messages

Development Software:

nRF5 SDK for Mesh v3.1.0

SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM v3.50

SoftDevice S140 v6.1.0


Computer Platform:

Windows 10 Professional



One nRF52840 DK and two nRF52832 DKs


What I'm trying to do: 

 I am trying to receive the current OnOff state of a light_switch_server through notifications. My system architecture:

Light Switch Client

Publish Address: 0xC002

Subscribe Address: 0xC001

Light Switch Server

Publish Address: 0xC001

Subscribe Address: 0xC002

Once I've provisioned the Light Switch Client via the InteractivePyACI script, using the nRF52840 board flashed with the serial example, I've provisioned and set the addresses as above. I have a Proxy Client (written in Node.js) that can successfully send data to Mesh Proxy Data In characteristic 0x2ADD on the Light Switch Client. Sending Generic OnOff Set Unacknowledged messages to 0x2ADD on the Light Switch Client results in the LED on the Light Switch Server turning on and off, and I can see the SET messages pop up in the SEGGER Debug log.

Now that I have data going from a non mesh device (Node.js Proxy Client) to a mesh node (Light Switch Server) via a Proxy Node (Light Switch Client), I need to get data going from the Light Switch Server to the Node.js Proxy Client via status messages. Pressing button 1 on the Light Switch Server publishes an unsolicited status message, and the status message is received by the Light Switch Client and the Present OnOff state appears in the SEGGER Debug log of the Light Switch Client. The same happens when I send a Set On or Set Off command from my Node.js Proxy Client; A status message is published in response to the Set Message.

BUT when I start notifications on Mesh Proxy Data Out characteristic 0x2ADE on the Light Switch Client (my Proxy Node that is sending proxy PDUs to the Light Switch Server), I get 'TX Ready' in the logs, but no data is ever notified, even if I press button 1 on Light Switch Server. 

How do I get status messages from the Light Switch Server into 0x2ADE on the Light Switch Client so that I can read the current OnOff state of the Light Switch Server via notification?
