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Queued Writes characteristic value longer than 220B


I neet to write long characteristic value (250B). I use GATTS Queued Writes from example based on I send data from nRF Master Control Panel (Android 4.4, Nexus 4) and watch on-air communication witch sniffer, code is written for nRF51822 XAA, SoftDevice S110 version 7.1.

I is almost work: when I send up to 220 bytes value I see on snifer sequence of Prepare Write Request and Prepare Write Respons with consecutive offests, and at the end there is Execute Write Request, and characteristic is written. BUT, when I want send longer value (eg 221 bytes long) after sequence of Prepare Write Request/Response there is Prepare Queue Full and write is canceled.

How long is this queue in Queued Write? Is this configurable? Is there a different method to write characteristic value longer than 220B.
