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nRF9160: do the software library and code for the modem processor consume memory from the application processor?

Hi again, Figure 106 in the OPS indicates that the application core and the modem core in the nRF9160 have separate Flash and RAM partitions. 

Is this a "real" partition or a virtual partition; i.e., are the application core and the modem core sharing the same physical memory?

Figure 1 suggests that the application core and the modem core are sharing the same physical memory.

If so, then how much available memory are the modem code and modem libraries consuming, meaning:  how much Flash and RAM is realistically available to the application core?

Or is a full 256kB RAM and 1MB Flash available to the application core, independent of the modem libraries etc.?

Thank you!

  • William,

    The Application Memory space is available for the customer to use. The 1 MB of Flash and 256 KB of RAM is available for the customers application. The modem has its own internal memory space. This post explains the configuration of both modem and application domains.

    The application processor can be used by you to interface to digital or analog sensors. The upper layers of the IP application would also live in the application processor if your are running http/MQTT/LWM2M/CoAP protocols.The IP Stack is in the modem.

    IP application layer protocols are located in the application processor, making it easy for a developer to select application protocols and device profiles supported by the chosen cloud service.



  • William,

    The Application Memory space is available for the customer to use. The 1 MB of Flash and 256 KB of RAM is available for the customers application. The modem has its own internal memory space. This post explains the configuration of both modem and application domains.

    The application processor can be used by you to interface to digital or analog sensors. The upper layers of the IP application would also live in the application processor if your are running http/MQTT/LWM2M/CoAP protocols.The IP Stack is in the modem.

    IP application layer protocols are located in the application processor, making it easy for a developer to select application protocols and device profiles supported by the chosen cloud service.


