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ble peripheral and timeslot scanner

Hi, I'm trying to run ble peripheral and timeslot receiver at the same time. I can see ble advertisements and I can connect to the peripheral. I can also read and write ble characteristics. However, after I disconnect and am unable to connect to the periheral second time. I still can see the advertisement data but, but I get disconnected immediately. Any ideas what could be causing this?

I'm running s310 v2 and I've been following your github examples.

  • Hi

    Can you give information on what hardware version (chip markings) you are using and what nRF51 SDK version?

    The S310 v2 is compatible with SDK 7.1.0 which is not released yet. However the S310 v2 is already released on the nRF51422 web site, so I suspect that we at Nordic have been a little too trigger happy with the release of S310 v2. For now you should stick with S310 v1 together with SDK 5.2.0 or SDK 6.1.0. S310 v1 is not compatible with SDK v7.0.0/7.0.1

    Update 27.11.2014 nRF51 SDK v7.1.0 is realeased now, as has been pointed out already.

  • Hi

    Can you give information on what hardware version (chip markings) you are using and what nRF51 SDK version?

    The S310 v2 is compatible with SDK 7.1.0 which is not released yet. However the S310 v2 is already released on the nRF51422 web site, so I suspect that we at Nordic have been a little too trigger happy with the release of S310 v2. For now you should stick with S310 v1 together with SDK 5.2.0 or SDK 6.1.0. S310 v1 is not compatible with SDK v7.0.0/7.0.1

    Update 27.11.2014 nRF51 SDK v7.1.0 is realeased now, as has been pointed out already.
