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nRF9160 asset tracker configure UART


I downloaded and successfully build and ran the asset tracker sample on the nRF9160 DK using segger embedded studio. In a first step I want to reroute the debug UART output to the pins P0.17 and P0.18. Therefore I checked this post and introduced the following nrf9160_pca10090.overlay file.

&uart0 {
current-speed = <115200>;
status = "ok";
tx-pin = <18>;
rx-pin = <17>;
rts-pin = <19>;
cts-pin = <21>;

If I clean, build&run the sample again, the debug UART does not change. On pin 18 there is no activity and the debug UART still runs over the interface MCU (checked with PuTTY). I checked that the DTC_OVERLAY_FILE variable is set. What am I missing?

Second, I wanted to introduce a second UART / Serial in the project. What are the required steps to do there. I know it's a very basic question but since there is no tutorial for the Connect SDK yet on how to configure and set up a SES project yes as already pointed out in this post.

I'm running SES 4.14 on Win 8.1 and completed your nRF Connect SDK Getting Started Guide.

Thx for your help! 
