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scan interval for nrfsniffer


What is the scan interval ,while using the nrf51822 dongle as nrf sniffer.Is it possible to change this interval or is there any option provided in the sniffer api ?

Also what wil be the scan interval of BLE in smartphones ? Thankyou

  • The Sniffer scans almost continuously, but is switching between the three advertising channels. You cannot change it.

    For Android level 21 there were introduced some new scan settings, please see this, SCAN_MODE_BALANCED, SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY and SCAN_MODE_LOW_POWER. Before Level 21 you couldn't select anything, but I would operate as SCAN_MODE_LOW_LATENCY, which is scanning 100% of the time, or close to 100%, I'm not sure.

    For iOS I don't think there are any settings, and I guess it's close to 100% there as well.

    I wish I could be more precise, sorry.
