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white list creation


i want to make my device connected through a secret pass code (may be six digit) my device get advertise then when master control panel discover my device and try to connect ,there should be an exchange of a secret key.. then only the services should be available for master control panel....

what methode should i use.? whether whitelist will be usefull?

i am totally unfamiliar with whitelist.. do you help me to create a white list

  • thank you for your replay....

    yes, i have static key... before advertising i have set a passkey(123456) by using the API sd_ble_opt_set... its working fine.. but the thing is this pass key will be asked when we are going for a bonding... you can connect directly without bond...

    what i need is a connection should be established after entering the pass key... to create whitelist? 2. in your paragraph you mentioned...on connection only one characterictics should available dat is used to unlock the other services ryt? but how can i implement it in my code?

  • can you provide example for above solution ?

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