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s130 GAP error no 3202


I am trying to develop an application using s130 softdevice on NRF51822 board.

i am able to do a undirected adverisement after a scanning. But when i am trying to do the directed advertisement with a public address feild it is giving error no 3202 . I realised that it is related to an ERROR_BLE_GAP_INVALID_BLE_ADDR.

Can anyone suggest a possible cause of the error and how to avoid these error

  • ble_app_hids_keyboard use directed advertising, it should be set up the same way with S130. It is difficult to say how to avoid the error when you don't tell us what you are doing or include any code. I recommend you to edit your question and include some more information/code.

    This question may be helpful to you.

  • i Have made a mistake while specifying the address type.When I have modified address type the problem is solved

      if((params.peer_addr)!=NULL) //directed advertisement
               m_peripheral_adv_params.type =BLE_GAP_ADV_TYPE_ADV_DIRECT_IND;
     m_peripheral_adv_params.fp          = BLE_GAP_ADV_FP_ANY;
       m_peripheral_adv_params.interval    = 0;
       m_peripheral_adv_params.timeout     = 0;

    i have mistakenly provided the address type as BLE_GAP_AD_TYPE_RANDOM_TARGET_ADDRESS instead of BLE_GAP_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC
