Good day!
As base I used this examples:
- ble_app_multiperipheral - for connection handling
- ble_app_hids_keyboard - for whitelist and bonding
Error occurs after disconnection and resuming connection.
/**@brief Function for setting filtered device identities. * * @param[in] skip Filter passed to @ref pm_peer_id_list. */ static void identities_set(pm_peer_id_list_skip_t skip) { pm_peer_id_t peer_ids[BLE_GAP_DEVICE_IDENTITIES_MAX_COUNT]; uint32_t peer_id_count = BLE_GAP_DEVICE_IDENTITIES_MAX_COUNT; ret_code_t err_code = pm_peer_id_list(peer_ids, &peer_id_count, PM_PEER_ID_INVALID, skip); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); NRF_LOG_INFO("IDS: %i, ID COUNT: %i", peer_ids, peer_id_count) err_code = pm_device_identities_list_set(peer_ids, peer_id_count); if (err_code != NRF_SUCCESS) { NRF_LOG_INFO("Errcode is : 0x%X", err_code); } APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); }
pm_device_identities_list_set - returns ERROR 12804 \ 0x3204
Any ideas in which direction should I look?