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Having trouble adding arm_math library to nRF91 Asset Tracker project

I have been having trouble creating a new project with nRF91 and Zephyr so I've decided to begin by modifying the "asset_tracker" example project.

I need to add the arm math library with the header file "arm_math.h"  The closest case I've found in DevZone is "nRF52832: How to Include the "arm_math.h" library".  However there appear to be some important differences on how emStudio shows nRF52 projects and "asset_tracker".

The Project->Options for "asset_tracker" look like the following...

You will note there is no "Preprocessor" options under "Code".  So I can't follow the suggestions in "nRF52832: How to Include the "arm_math.h" library".

An experiment to build my own nRF52840 project shows Project->Options like...

This project has the "Preprocessor" options.

I've opened several Nordic Semi nRF91 examples and all of them have Project Options just like "asset_tracker".

A recent experiment building an nRF91 project in SES, then using "Open nRF Connect SDK Project" demonstrated that using this command causes the project options to change from similar to the nRF52840 project to options similar to "asset_tracker".  It seems that using "Open nRF Connect SDK Project" causes some project options to be removed.

I do not need to solve all the problems in the universe.  All I need right now is to add the Arm Math floating point library to the "asset tracker" project. I included the above analysis to illustrate  why the previous solution presented in DevZone does not apply.  I am open to other solutions.

Thank you.
-Craig Goldman

Additional information: my version of Segger Embedded Studio is V4.14.

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