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Discover services from OS X

Dear all, I've loaded this example into the nrf6310 as it is, and s110_nrf51822_7.0.0 as a softdevice

I am connecting to the module through a MacAir 10.9.5, using this values:

#define BLINKY_SERVICE_UUID             @"00000001-59a4-4d2b-8479-8bbdbcf77fcd"
#define BLINKY_CHAR_UUID                @"00000002-59a4-4d2b-8479-8bbdbcf77fcd"
#define DEVINFO_SERIVE_UUID             @"180A"

I retrieve the peripheral named IMM-NRF51822 using:

[manager scanForPeripheralsWithServices:@[serviceUUID] options:nil];

But query for the services, I get no services using

[aPeripheral setDelegate:self];
[aPeripheral discoverServices:@[servUUID]];

and only the common services (not the custom ones) and characteristics with:

 [aPeripheral setDelegate:self];
 [aPeripheral discoverServices:nil];

Discovered characteristic Device Name for sevice Generic Access Profile 
Discovered characteristic Appearence for sevice Generic Access Profile 
Discovered characteristic Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters for sevice Generic Access Profile 
Discovered characteristic Unknown (<2a37>) for sevice Unknown (<180d>) 
Discovered characteristic Unknown (<2a38>) for sevice Unknown (<180d>) 
Discovered characteristic Battery Level for sevice Battery 
Discovered characteristic Manufacturer Name String for sevice Device Information 

and querying for a writable Characteristic I get only the Device Name for sevice Generic Access Profile

if ( & CBCharacteristicPropertyWrite) {
            NSLog(@"%@ for sevice %@  ", characteristic.UUID, service.UUID);
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