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calling fds_write within a ble_evt_handler gets the SD or app stuck

I'm modifying the DFU example app in SDK 15.3, for the nRF52840.

attempting to call fds_record_update or fds_record_write within the context of app/main.c ble_evt_handler(), gets the system stuck.

Calling it elsewhere, for example from main(), works fine, and the internal flash gets updated correctly.

more specifically, my application captures a BLE_WRITE event, and then attempts to write a record to flash using fds_record_write or fds_record_update (depends if the record key already exists or not).

this attempt fails, since the FDS callback is never called, and the call waits indefinitely for the write operation to complete.

The FDS callback works correctly, if the FDS functions are called from main().

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